join our team


Join Italy's Biggest VC Comunity

Who we search for

Distinguished students who possess:
- An avid curiosity for startups and Venture Capital.
- Basic financial accounting knowledge.
- English language proficiency.
- An unyielding passion and team spirit.

What you will do

- Engage in stimulating monthly group projects.
- Forge meaningful dialogues with pioneering startup founders and Italian VC Funds.
- Craft impeccable pitch decks and conduct deep-dive startup analyses.
- Be an instrumental part of the first student-run VC fund in Italy.

What you will learn

- Acquire razor-sharp qualitative and quantitative skills, setting you on the fast track for a future in Venture Capital.
- Master the invaluable crafts of teamwork and leadership in a dynamic setting.
- Understand the inner workings of a pioneering VC fund initiative.

Who you will meet

- Immerse yourself in a community of driven students, all racing towards excellence.
- Expand your horizons with our broad Italian and International network, embracing enthusiastic students, industry professionals, and sought-after employers.
- Help us build the first global VC student community.

Our Applications are now open!

Feb 2024 Rec.

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